Dansk kennel af Australske cattledogs. Vi går op i at avle gode race typiske hunde, med gode arbejds linier og godt sind. Vi udstiller alle vores hunde, som er de højst bedømte i 2017 & 2018 & 2019. Vores tæve er årets hund i racen 2017 & 2018 & 2019. Begge hunde er kun bedømt med Excelent og første præmier. Af titler kan skrives, junior champion, dansk champion, Svensk Champion, International champion, jubilæums vinder, københavnsvinder 2018 samt klub mester i nosework 1. De er alle trænet i flere år ved Holbæk politihunde forening, og har afsluttet blandt de 7 bedste hunde. Alle hunde bliver brugt til hyrdning. Jack, Jade & Astor hyrder på, løbeænder, får, kvæg og hjælper med hestene. Annie hyrder på, løbeænder, får og har hjulpet en smule med hestene. De er meget arbejds villige og har været nemme i alt træning. De er alle HD og AD testet, og har DNA test på øjenene, så ingen hvalpe vil kunne blive blinde. Alle vores hunde er mentalbeskrevet i DKK.
Danish kennel of Australien Cattle dogs. Our goal is to breed excellent typical cattle dogs with great working skills and kind personalities. All our dogs are showdogs and they have both received the highest ranks from shows in 2017 and 2018. Annie received Best In Show in 2017 & 2018 & 2019.all our dogs have only beed judged in shows with excellence and first places. Their titles include Junior Champion, Danish Champion,International Champion, Anniversary Winner, Copenhagen Winner of 2018 as well as Club Champion in nose work 1.
They have been trained for several years at Holbæk’s police dog academy and finished among the top seven dogs out of 70 dogs. All our dogs are used for herding. Jack, Jade & Astor, herds running ducks, sheep, cattle and helps with the horses.
Annie, herds running ducks and sheep and also helps with the horses.
They are all very eager to work and have all been easy to train in all catagories. All are HD and AD tested. They also had the DNA test performed on their eyes to assure none of their puppies will be blind. All our dog´s are mentally tested in Danish Kennel Club.